Get School Website

Build & Manage website pages

Link dynamic news, notice, events, holidays

Link online admission process

Get admission leads

Link staff hiring

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Manage school Website with control panel

- Improve brand & presence of school

- Build All pages of website

- Build Dynamic website pages


Bring everything online & together with school website

Website Pages

    1. 1. About us
    2. 2. Core Values
    3. 3. Mission & Vision
    4. 4. Message from Director
    5. 5. Message from Principal
    6. 6. Facilities
    7. 7. School rules and regulation
    8. 8. Parents
    9. 9. Teachers
    10. 10. Students
    11. 11. Contact us
    12. 12. School Disclosures

Dynamic Pages

  1. Events
  2. News and Notice
  3. Holidays
  4. School Staff
  5. Job Posting
  6. Job Apply
  7. Admission Enquiry
  8. Online Registration
  9. School Blogs
  10. Gallery - Images
  11. Gallery - Videos
  12. Frequently Asked Questions
  13. School Social media links
  14. School Details
  15. Links- Pay online fees
  16. Links- ERP Login
  17. Links- Parents Helpdesk
  18. Links- Download TC
  19. Links- Feedback

Social media and Reviews

  1. Integrate social media links to improve brand and presence
  2. Integrate Google Reviews


  1. Publish news, notice, events, holidays to website in few minutes with ERP Control panel
  2. Publish Job posting in few minutes and accept applicants online
  3. Generate admission Leads
  4. Bring Admission process online
  5. Integrate all links on website
  6. Follow CBSE rules
  7. Improve Google search and Presence on Internet
  8. Link with social media to improve Brand
  9. Improve marketing and sales for admission
  10. Bring everything online and together in one website
  11. Sample Website Open

Trusted By 1000+ Schools

Scientific Study is empowering school owners

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. We will provide you a dedicated support person
2. Phone Calls, Chat, Webinar, Video artciles
3.We will provide support to teachers and parents through our website, Helpdesk portal and on Android app store

1. We will import data of staff, class and students
2. We take multiple backups of data on multiple servers to avoid any future problems. you can download your data anytime.
3. Encrypted private data, Restricted servers, India Based server, HTTPS and Silent Secure Login

1. We will integrate online fees payment
2. We will integrate the parent's login, Online Fees payment, TC, Helpdesk link on your website
3. We will integrate Biometric machine for attendance with ERP. It has extra cost.
4. Send SMS: You can buy sms and send from our application
5. We already have GPS enabled phone app for school buses.

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